Frequently Asked Questions

General answers

Where can I find information on studying Middle Eastern languages?

Courses in Middle Eastern languages (such as Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and ancient languages) are offered through the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Information on scholarships for Middle Eastern language study can be found on the CMES Opportunities page.

Does CMES offer scholarships for students?

Yes! Every year we offer multiple scholarship and grant competitions for undergraduate and graduate students working on Middle East-related topics. Find more information on our Opportunities page.

Does CMES have postdoctoral positions?

CMES does not currently have any funded postdoctoral positions, but we are happy to host researchers at the postdoctoral level with their own sources of funding through our Visiting Scholars Program.

Does CMES offer degree programs?

No. CMES is a research center, which at UC Berkeley are separate from academic departments. Undergraduate and graduate degrees in Middle Eastern Studies and related specializations are available through the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures and Global Studies, as well as disciplinary departments such as History, Anthropology, Political Science, etc.