Thoraya Tlatli

Job title: 
Associate Professor of French; CMES Senior Research Scholar

Thoraya Tlatli is an Associate Professor of French with research interests in francophone literature – particularly from North Africa – as well as colonial and postcolonial historiography. She has also written and researched on 20th century French psychoanalysis, philosophy and intellectual history. Publications include: “Les ruines de l’Algérie chez Kateb Yacine” in Hommage à Kateb Yacine ed. Nabil Boudraa (L’Harmattan, Paris, 2006), La Folie Lyrique: essai sur le surréalisme et la psychiatrie (L’Harmattan, Paris, 2004), and Le Psychiatre et ses Poètes: essai sur le jeune Lacan (TCHOU, Paris, 2000). She is currently writing a book on the relationship between history and memory in Algerian literary depictions of the nation.